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So through a fairly convoluted series of events, I have a Wii on loan from a friend who wasn't playing it very much. I'd played it over at her house and was very impressed. When we went on a big group ski trip, she brought it along and we had a great time with a large group. Bowling is by far my favorite game, even though I pretty much stink at it. I have a high score of 220 and I'd guess my average is in the 180 range, but after almost every game I feel as though I could have done better.


Bunch of gameon loan as well. Paper Mario is unreal--I haven't played a Mario adventure game in years and it's amazing how similar this is to the original games, but with completely new dimensions (haha). I seriously cracked up laughing at so many things and the game uses the controller really well.


I hated the snowboarding game. It's just too hard.

The cooking game sucks.

Zelda: will try this after Paper Mario

Wii Sports Golf: my second love, after the bowling. I'm a Pro now and have gotten to the point where I am under par every time.


I really want to get the Tiger Woods game--I have always loved Golf games and play a lot of TW on the Mac.


Other stuff: Forecast is super-cool, reading the headlines feels futuristic, I am looking forward to mingling Miis and all of that good stuff. I left my girlfriend a message on it for when she gets home today. Hopefully she won't notice the little logbook that gives away that I was up until 2 am playing last night.


I'd love it if there were more multiplayer options,but so far that's really the only complaint I have. It's just TOO COOL!


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