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I'm posting again!! oh my!!!well, today is Sean's birthday party, and when Sean has a party it's always good. this one might be lame though, because his girlfriend was in charge of it... Lauren is the worst party planner of all time Lauren: "we can all go to the zoo and then miniture golfing!"me: "how about we do something NOT expensive and actually fun instead?"I swear sometimes that Lauren has the same tastes as a 10 year old..but anyways, it'll have alchol. so it's all good. and i hope we watch the movie i got him, Day of the Dead, it's the next after Dawn of the Dead (the original). Friday i go on vacation, to Europe! yay. Volvo has a sweet deal, buy a volvo, but instead of buying it at the car dealership, they send you to sweeden to pick it up at the Volvo factory.. for FREE. and plus you save money on the volvo you bought. people are nice to you when you buy a $50,000 car/suv thing. one of the many benifits of being the youngest, is that when your parents are older and have a lot of money, you get stuff. my brother is 13 years older than me and my sister is about 16 years older than me, so i get the benifits of being the youngest and the only one left in the house.gah, i need to go shower and stufff.


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