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Car Troubles Part 2



Well, it happened. I was driving home from NY state yesterday because I decided to take a short ride. Noticed that my car was making clunking noises but I dismissed it as just the way I drive. As I got into town towards my parents house, the car just suddenly gave way. I pulled it over and tried to put it in park but nothing happened. Couldn't drive it either. The car started up but would not go into gear. So, I ran up the hill to find my mother and we went and got my father. Called AAA and they sent someone to pick up the car, though we had to push it away from the road and into a parking lot. It looks as if the transmission is shot. Located another transmission in my neighbor's yard but we aren't sure if it will fit my car or not, and not sure if it's still any good.This is a really bad time for something like this. I've depleted my savings account to pay for some bills that got held up in May. Also, I have no idea how I'm going to get to work until my car is repaired. I can take the bus to work and hopefully, my boss can find someone to give me a ride home. The problem is, the bus to work doesn't come until 7:30am and there's road construction. I would end up having to stay later at work, which really irritates me. It's quite frustrating. I'm really pissed off and I'm about ready to talk to the bank about a small loan to buy a better car. Might get this one fixed and then see about it because I cannot have cars that break all the time. I care too much about my job and hate going through this shit. :sad:


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Send me your address and I'll send you $20 to help with getting your car fixed.




Well I do have paypal @ quadrunner9904@yahoo.com.


I appreciate your offer. Glad to know that there are kind folks out there. :)

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Personally if you can swing a bank giving you a loan I'd suggest that.

Have you tried to see if anyone would finance you, and what you qualify for?

I suggest going out to a car lot and finding out what your options are....If any.

They will sell you a car if it's possible. Even though you cannot drive your current car, it's possible you could still use it as a trade-in. Sometimes lots will run specials on trade-ins drivable or not as long as you can get the car there.


Good luck Kepone

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My mother emailed me saying that I might see a "surprise" in my parking lot so quite an eloquent way to say that the car's been fixed or something. Unless they've exchanged it for another one. Hmm.

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My mother emailed me saying that I might see a "surprise" in my parking lot so quite an eloquent way to say that the car's been fixed or something. Unless they've exchanged it for another one. Hmm.



Turns out it's NOT fixed yet. Hmm. Blah. :)

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My mother emailed me saying that I might see a "surprise" in my parking lot so quite an eloquent way to say that the car's been fixed or something. Unless they've exchanged it for another one. Hmm.



Turns out it's NOT fixed yet. Hmm. Blah. :)


So what was the suprise?

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My mother emailed me saying that I might see a "surprise" in my parking lot so quite an eloquent way to say that the car's been fixed or something. Unless they've exchanged it for another one. Hmm.



Turns out it's NOT fixed yet. Hmm. Blah. :)


So what was the suprise?


The car was supposed to be waiting in the parking lot where I live. However, it is still not ready. I heard they were putting another transmission in it today and I assume it's still not ready.

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