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Just finished reading the TIA document



I am suprised such a small document can contain so much usefull information.


I went back to it after reading the tutorial in the newbie section and it made alot more sence the second time round.


I also subscribed to the stella mailing list so hopefully i can pick up a few tips there as well (the 10 years of archived posts will help alot i think many of my questions are going to be answered in that archive.)



On another point, today I receved Realsports soccer and fishing derby! muhaha the colection starts with 2 crappy carts but who knows where it will lead.


Things to do:


1. get a decent understanding of the TIA memory map. (i drew out a nice diagram this is helping quite a bit.)

2. read the 6507 opp code list and explanation.

3. look again at the commented dissasemblies.

4. do some more work on playfield graphics and study the controler interface. (i never realised that a whole port was just for the switches on the atari!)


poss... investigate how bank switching works but to be honest thats quite minor at the moment.


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