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Well its been a fairly busy couple of days, been continueing to mess around with the various playfield settings.


been reading through the stella archive again - theres some quality information on that list. many of the questions i had have been asked and answered already there.


Been reading through the dissasembled game files again, alough i dont understand everything stuff like initilisation, screen setup are all going to be fairly standard (otherwise its not going to look nice lol).


its intresting how diffrent the code is though, your have 2 guys solve the same problem (say a high score) in completely diffrent ways. Im adding these to my notes. hopefully when i get a full understanding (or as best i can) i can get a nice source book on how diffrent programmers handled common issues in the games.


(add that to list of vaporware ideas).


Have been ebaying again and managed to get some taiwan carts, and a few dactar multi carts.


Hopefully my 2600 when it finaly turns up will be working, however it was one of thoes "untested" units i found on ebay. so i will probably be getting a replacement board.


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