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Atari 8-bit computer collection



Recently I acquired the Atari XE game system and, with that purchase, I believe I now own the complete line of 8-bit computers. Of course, this does not include prototypes, variants and modified computers.Here's my list of Atari 8-bit computers (from memory):- Atari 400 (2 of them)- Atari 800- Atari 600 XL- Atari 800 XL- Atari 1200 XL- Atari 65 XE (2 of them. One of them was manufactured for Mexico and the owners manual is in Spanish!)- Atari 130 XE- Atari XE game systemI think that's all there is. There's the Atari 1450 XLD, of course, but that's a prototype and not a production model. It'll be nice to get one but I'm quite satisfied with what I've got.Just because I have a complete collection won't stop me from acquiring more Atari 8-bit computers. If I find one in the wild or see a good deal on one I'll grab it. Once I have the extra I might consider modifying the system or putting the system into a different case. Making one of the 8-bits into a portable unit would be a Ben Heckendorn dream come true. I'm not sure I'm up to that skill yet but practice makes perfect. :) I've already done some hacking with one of my Atari 8-bits. I modified the first Atari 400 I owned: first by upgrading the memory to 64 K and next by adding an external keyboard. Now that I have a spare Atari 400 I may consider more mods or even putting the system into a different case. Either way I should take pictures of what I changed so far and post them.What's next? Perhaps I should start building up my ST line of computers. I have several non-working 520 STs, an STE that's been acting flaky and an STFM that needs a new floppy drive. I either need to fix what I got or buy some working models. A TT and a Falcon would be nice. :)I have a bunch of accessories for the 8-bit that I should take a long look at and inventory. I have, of course various disk drives and a cassette player but I also have various sketch pads, joysticks, light guns and other accessories. Pictures of those accessories would be nice too.One really neat accessory is called "The Pill!". It's a small white piece of solid plastic that fits in the left cartridge slot and allows you to play games written for cartridges. The software that comes with it allows you to copy the contents of any cartridge you own. Plug the pill in the slot with the appropriate disk installed and you can play any cart that's stored on the disk. It was pretty cool when I first got it about twenty years ago as it allowed me to play games I didn't own. It also allowed me to play games without the annoying neccessity of swapping carts. What? AltairBoy a pirate? Arrgh! Yes, I admit to a little looting of 8-bit title. Everyone was a pirate in those days right? ;)


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