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My new project and some soon to be purchases



To start things off I just want to let everybody know that this is my first post of my first blog. I will be updating with my projects and any new purchases for my collections. I'll also make sure to put any interesting stories of my life as they come up.


Right now I am working on converting my Nintendo VS. Unisystem into a Donkey Kong. For those of you that don't know I recently got a free VS. Unisystem from the local Salvation Army. I spent some money and time fixing it up to look brand spankin new. Now after all that trouble, I decided that I would rather have a DK machine. All of the games on the Unisystem are NES games with some minor changes to them and I already own the NES versions. My Unisystem was origionally a Popeye before it was converted to a Unisystem and now I'm transforming it into a DK. I already got lucky on ebay and found a board and wireing harness for $60 BIN which is a steal. I should be getting it in the mail tommorow, hopefully. Next on my list is to get a control panel and the vertical mounting bracket for the monitor. I also need to get the marquee, bezel, sideart, a new light fixture (mine doesn't work), and the instruction cards, but I can live without those for now.


My next big purchase is going to be an Atari 800XL. I got a guy that is selling me the 800XL with a bunch of accesories in a few days. That means alot of my money will be going into that. I'm probably going to be selling some more of my games and systems off to help my funding for my DK conversion and my new 800XL. I'm trying to go through all of my stuff and figure out what I don't ever use and get rid of it. It is harder then I thought because everytime I find something that I never use I think to myself, what if I will want to play this when it's gone. So far everthing that I have sold I have no regrets but it's just so hard to make that decision to get rid of it.


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