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Welcome to my Blog!



The purpose of this blog is to post updates of any projects that I may be working on. It will also be used as a platform to generate discussions on technology, and most importantly -- the Amiga and Atari ST computers.


Some background on myself: I design websites for a living. I'm also a PC tech that repairs / builds computers for a living and also as a hobby. I also collect unwanted computer equipment from people looking to throw things away; I collect everything!


I have years of 2D drawing experience and have contributed to small, but numerous Amiga game projects. Some of my favorite 2D Paint packages:


Deluxe Paint (all versions/ DPaint III animation feature was my absolute favorite)


Spectrum 512

Ultra Paint

And many more.



I'm on the hunt for an Atari ST computer and Amiga computer for my collection; it's been years since I have owned these machines. Currently I have been using emulators -- and while they work -- nothing actually beats owning the hardware. If you have an Amiga / ST for sale please contact me!


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