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Atari ST homebrew unheard of?



After many weeks of ordering the software / hardware I need for my 1040ST (thank you Cassidy!) I can now focus on the projects that I have announced in the ST / TT forums. The projects are in the design stages of development and they are already taking shape. I'm excited! While most of my threads haven't received any posts, I have received enthusiastic responses outside the message board about these games.


I'm wondering, though... is Atari ST Homebrew development a touchy subject on these board? I don't know if it’s that or a lack of interest. By looking at the board I can tell that most people don't discuss the possibility of developing for the system.


Case in point:


I recall reading something when I first joined this board; I don't recall which thread it was in -- or the person who wrote it -- but it was mentioned that Atari ST Homebrew development seemed 'strange' or a bit 'taboo' in this community. I certainly hope that this doesn't deter anyone from playing these games! I have already invested a lot of hours during the designing process and it would be a shame if no one played them.


These titles will be sold to the community once completed. I have posted a poll here to gage the interest of these projects. Screenshots will be arriving soon so keep an eye out!


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