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Can't get there from here...



Another blog entry, another new version of Dungeon...


Since everybody was mentioning they were getting lost, I bumped that up on the priority list. I also fixed a major bug in the last version that kept the princess from showing up most of the time ( :dunce: ).


Anyway, what's new:

- When nothing is going on, the menu area will display what level of the dungeon you are on (ex L1, L2, etc).

- New down graphic. Supposed to be stairs going down into the floor. Looks a little goofy (taken out of context it looks like a file cabinet). It serves its purpose for the time being though. The up graphic is the same as it used to be.

- Aforementioned bug fix. You can now rescue the damsel in distress!

- Shaved some cycles off the battle routine. I'll be loading this one on my Krok for testing. To anybody else who tries it out on the real thing, please let me know if you see any screen jumps and what was going on at the time. And of course report any bugs you come across.


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Made it past the black knight, but a ghost took me out before I could descend to the next dungeon level. Managed to get the Sword in the Stone, not sure what I did to get it.


I saw some things with an arch across the top and a line at the bottom but don't see anything about them in the manual for V11.


There was a couple screen jumps that occurred when I cast healing spells.

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Finally found the Princess! I think you should have her waiting at the castle(level 0) if you've found her.

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I saw some things with an arch across the top and a line at the bottom but don't see anything about them in the manual for V11.

Hmm... Maybe a door (when you don't have the key to open it). Was it brownish/yellowish?

There was a couple screen jumps that occurred when I cast healing spells.

Thanks a lot! I'll jump on that.

Finally found the Princess! I think you should have her waiting at the castle(level 0) if you've found her.

As it stands, she's waiting for you if you win the game. I never thought about people going all the way back up after freeing her. I'll look into that.

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I saw some things with an arch across the top and a line at the bottom but don't see anything about them in the manual for V11.

Now that I think about the description, it may be an open door. Was it black? The 1st one you come across is on level 3 immediately to the left of the up stairs.


If you don't have the key for that level they show up as a wooden door (brownish) with a door knob and if you have the key they are the open doorway (black).

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I found her real quick that game else I wouldn't have thought to check level 0 :cool:


That's it, didn't know what it was as I've never seen a closed door. Maybe show the door closed, with the key where the L1 is at, then open the door - but only when you very first come upon a door? Of course that would take some extra RAM to hold "has seen door shut".


Made it to battle the demon last night :D , but lost :(

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