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Finding this blog is a bit of a fluke especially considering that I had completely forgotten about it.OK well now. My real name is Patrick and I have been playing guitar for roughly 16 years. I am mainly a self taught musician with 3 or 4 years experience from lessons mainly comprising of the study of musical theory and guitar techniques. I could not afford to study music at University but it would have been nice. The study of musical theory occured much later in my experiences with guitar playing. After playing in a few rock bands in high school college in the ninties, I decided to just play at home and learn more about music and the guitar in general. This helped quite a bit. Eventually I decided to get married and have a family and this really took alot of time away from my playing but I could never completely give it up..Having kept in contact with a drummer I knew from the old days (and co-incidentally a good friend as well) all of these years later we decided to get back together and start something up - musically speaking that is. We jammed stuff like Metallica, Dream Theater, Audioslave, Jimi Hendrix etc.. It all sounded pretty good.I also came up with a few original ideas but so what.We are now working on getting a few cover sets together. The goal is to play live at a bar or whatever once or twice a month. Strictly for fun and as a hobby. We are all busy people with families and careers and have no intention of making this a serious endeavour.At this point we are looking for suggestions on what types of cover tunes people would enjoy hearing in bars. Please feel free to make any suggestions (no spammers). I hope to have a few files linked to this blog at some point for you folks to listen to and comment on. More details later.


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