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1st Entry!



Hello!Well, I suppose this is my first Blog entry. Not much to say here, except what I did today.I woke up around 12, then watched some TV before going online. After that, I sort of did nothing for another 2 hours before deciding to go see "The Island". Well, at last minute I backed out, and went out with dad to grab something to eat. We walked around Detroit for a while, before we got lost and found our way to the ballgame. He asked me if we should go to the Tigers game, kind of a spur of the moment kind of thing. I was in the mood for some baseball, so we went up to the window, and all they had left were the expensive seats, so we said "screw that" and headed over to a Grill near the ballpark. The food was excellent, I had wings and a cheeseburger. Yum. After that, we headed back home and watched some TV before I watched some of "The Breakfast Club". What a great movie, I have been watching it nonstop the last 5 days, along with "Sixteen Candles". I went online after the movie, and registered for Atari Age, after hearing about it on another forum I go on, Digital Press.Well, that's pretty much all I did today, I guess I will try to update this Blog daily.Later.


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