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Systems I own & enjoy.



After reading JBoy's blog about systems that didn't make through his selling extravoganza, I posted a reply about my systems that I have sold off. I also thought that it would be fun to share what systems that made it through my screening process and onto my must own list.


Atari 2600 - This is my largest collection with 186 games and no doubles. It is also one of my favorite systems to collect and play.


Odyssey 2 - This is an overlooked system that has many fun and cheap games.


Colecovision - I love the Colecovision with it's many great arcade ports. Seeing as I am the Colecovision HSC moderater it seems fit that I own this sytem.


Atari 800XL - I have a very small collection of games for this newly acquired system (2 games) but it has a huge library of games and is fun to learn to program for.


NES - My second system that I owned I will never be able to part with my NES because of too many fond memories and great games.


Genesis - Another system that I grew up with in my High School years I just can't part with this awesome system.


Sega CD - Some people might not like this system but it has lots of gems if you know where to look. The games are also very easy to burn to CD so I own about 200+ burnt games.


PS2 - Has some fun RPG's and acts as my PS1.


Game Boy - My favorite portable console.


Game Boy Color - Another good portable.


Game Boy Advance/SP - Another good portable.


Nintendo DS Lite - Has lots of great games for it.


Gamecube - I love the games for this system. It's currently in my daughters room because I use the Wii for my Cube playing now.


Wii - My favorite system of the 3 next gen consoles.


Donkey Kong arcade - It doesn't get better then playing DK on the real deal.

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