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Just a note that I moved back to the Boston area last month and have been trying to get settled ever since. I still have a lot of boxes strewn around and haven't set back up my Atari "testbed" so to speak. I've been involved in a "death march" for my dayjob so I haven't had as much time to think about Chimera lately, and Delicon has I guess taken advantage of the downtime to do other things. But I will try to get organized again and see where we are. I really had hoped to get farther over the summer but it is what it is. Hopefully it will help being on the same timezone as Delicon going forward. Plus for the time being I'm working from home so I can multitask on hobby stuff since nobody will be watching my back.


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Any news about Chimera yet? I can't wait to buy a few.


Not yet. Delicon is 'around' again but has yet to really dig into it again. We may actually get the new Cybertech A/V board ready soon, though. Crossing my fingers on that one. Chris is trying to design a really compact (hence fit in every single 2600 variation) no-solder, no case drilling kit that anybody should be able to install.

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Any news about Chimera yet? I can't wait to buy a few.

Not yet. Delicon is 'around' again but has yet to really dig into it again. We may actually get the new Cybertech A/V board ready soon, though. Crossing my fingers on that one. Chris is trying to design a really compact (hence fit in every single 2600 variation) no-solder, no case drilling kit that anybody should be able to install.

Thanks. I hope things get chugging along. I can't wait to buy a few of these. My hopes are also on www.legacyengineer.com eventually making a new Atari 2600 clone so I can buy a few of those too. I'd like to have a new Atari 2600 in every room of the house that has a TV (and have a Chimera cartridge for each one so people can play any games I make). I'll probably buy more than a few Chimera cartridges over time in case anything happens to the first few (children related accidents or who knows what else). Things are looking up for Atari 2600 users.

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