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I went to the Goodwill at lunch today. They don't even stock carts there anymore; i think they sell them all on their web site or at one of their flagship stores. There were 2 Playstations (14.99) and 6 unpriced Sega Genesis consoles. Nothing else, really, just a cute girl digging through some vinyl. It made me think about the good ol' days and my excursions all over the greater Boston area. The triumphs: that time I found a stash of TI-99 carts at Savers and bought the lot for $10. Just this year I sold one of the carts that was in that find for over $100. Not all good, of course. I payed $20 for an Odyssey 2 that isn't worth nearly that today. I can't even find anyone to pay shipping on it. Ditto the Mattel Aquarius. I even miss newsgroup auctions. I went looking in the Google Groups archives the other day to see what I'd bought online back then. I overpayed for nearly every cart, by today's eBay standards. And some things I have--I can't even remember where they came from. I am absolutely clueless when it comes to figuring out where I got my Bounty Bob cart. I simply have no idea. I do remember getting my trackball from Best and it wasa lot less than they are charging for them now! I think I also got Quest for Quintana Roo from them as well. Anyway, I bought a Dreamcast today. My Nintendo has the blinking light problem and I don't feel like taking it apart and emulation has gotten to the point where it's pretty much the better way to go. I don't know why I just didn't get a D-cast a long time ago. It'sll go in the living room with the PlayStation, because only true classics are allowed in my gaming haven!


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