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Windows Vista Sound Fix For CamStudio

Random Terrain


I have a Windows Vista computer and the sound that the freeware program called CamStudio 2.5 records has a ton of static in it. I went Googling and found out that you could plug a cable into line-out/line-in and record that way, but it was a pain because if I left it plugged in, my computer wouldn't restart half of the time. Well, I tried the following tip and I can now record sound without using the line-out/line-in trick:


Windows Vista Sound Fix For CamStudio



Okay, this is TOTALLY the solution for Vista users, anyone who gets the “WaveoutGet…blah blah” error, who only hears static on the audio, etc. At least it worked for me.


All you gotta do is open up your Sound control panel, click on the “Recording” tab, then right-click anywhere in the menu that shows all your recording devices. You should see the options “Show Disabled Devices” and “Show Disconnected Devices” each with or without a check-mark. Make it so that both of these are checked, especially Disabled Devices, and a new item should appear, the “Stereo Mix”. Once that’s enabled, and your other microphone(s) are disabled, CamStudio works FINE as if it was recording from speakers.


AWESOME. And I’m totally un-technologically savvy, just lucked onto this, so take that all you programmers and dorks. That is, if it works for anybody else.


Now that recording sound isn't a pain in the butt anymore, I'll start making more YouTube videos with CamStudio 2.5 and Stella. I hope that Stella will eventually be able to record videos by itself and we won't have to use CamStudio or anything else for making Atari 2600 related videos.



Capture Frames Every and Playback Rate


If you know what playback rate you want to attempt, just divide 1,000 by that number to get the Capture Frames Every number.


If you want a playback rate of 25 frames a second, do this:


1000/25 = 40


So 40 is the number you would use for Capture Frames Every.



If you want a playback rate of 50 frames a second, do this:


1000/50 = 20


So 20 is the number you would use for Capture Frames Every.



List of whole number playback rates:


1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 100, 125, 200, 250, 500, 1000



[This is as much for me as it is for anyone else, so I'm going to put stuff like this in my blog from now on instead of posting it in the forums where it will get lost.]



Random Terrain



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