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Block Text Replacer for HTML or text files!

Random Terrain


I use Namo WebEditor and it has a global find and replace that allows me to make changes to all of my web pages, but it can only change one line of code. That's fine for some things, but useless if you want to replace or add chunks of code. I have a lot of changes to make to many web pages and it's going to take too long if I have to do it all by hand. I went Googling to see if anyone has created a program yet that can automatically replace chunks of code and someone has:


Block Text Replacer (appears to be freeware)


I couldn't download it using Firefox, so I tried it with Internet Explorer and it downloaded fine with that. I made backup copies of my web pages and tried Block Text Replacer. I replaced 2 chunks of code so far on over 200 pages and it only took a few seconds. This seems like a great tool. I might get all of these tedious, insanity inducing changes finished in hours instead of weeks.



Random Terrain



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