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Ghost Hunters must not believe in ghosts

Random Terrain


Pretty much everyone on the Sci-Fi channel Ghost Hunters show act like they are surprised and about to crap their pants when a 'ghost' does what they ask. They claim to believe it's possible that ghosts or some kind of invisible intelligent beings can communicate with us, but they must not really believe it's possible because they almost always act surprised.


Phrases like "what was that?!!" are often heard on the show soon after they ask a ghost to do something. What was that? What in the hell do you think it was? If you ask a ghost to knock and it knocks or ask a ghost to walk up some stairs and you hear an invisible creature walking up the stairs, the appropriate response is "if that's you, thank you for doing what I asked." Always thank a ghost or whatever it is for interacting with you. If you believe it's possible that some kind of invisible beings are hanging around an area, never act surprised when they interact with you. Act grateful instead. Drop the surprise and get on with the communication. The invisible beings might have something important for you to learn or they might need to learn something from you. If nothing else, the invisible beings might like to have some positive attention for once. Their usual attempts to communicate probably makes most people run away, but now they can finally communicate with people more easily than ever before through the latest technology.



Random Terrain



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I believe in ghosts having had a few "ghostly encounters" over the years but i still would freak out if some of the things that happen on Ghost Hunters would happen too me still.


Now am not a Ghost Hunter/Chaser i just believe in them am no pro with this stuff like Jason and Grant and i agree as long as they and there crew have been doing this you would think that they would not freak out when they hear something go bump in the night.


I guess they might just act like this to build up the excitement of the show which is too bad because they do not need to do this i feel.

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While I do like the shows, Ghost Hunters is one of them (although the International one sucks), there's a bunch of annoying things they do.


One is what you mentioned.. they always act surprised. They've been doing this for years, you'd think by now they wouldn't be so surprised.


Another thing is every show they describe what an EVP and EMF meter is. We know already. We get it. We watch your show.


My Father has had some ghostly encounters and I believe. In my old house's basement I would hear noises often and sometimes see things (or so I though) possibly orbs and sometimes it would be very cold. I understand it's a basement, but that's how I feel. I feel it wasn't always just because it's a basement.

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