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Christmas K.O.



With the children, I have learned not to ask important questions too early as their answers change frequently. For example, this year for Mason's birthday we asked him three times (about a week apart) where he wanted to have his birthday party. Each time we asked we got a different answer: bowling alley, the Omniplex, and finally, the skating rink. The trick is not to keep asking once the decision has been made so they don't get the opportunity to change their minds.


Unfortunately this doesn't work around Christmas, where kids get asked what they want for Christmas every single day and end up seeing Santa at least three times. Seriously, as a kid I only remember talking to Santa once a year, but kids these days get at least half a dozen chances. I know Morgan saw Santa once at daycare, once after her Christmas program, once at the mall once and once at Wal-Mart. It's ridiculous. And each time the kids are asked, they come up with something different they want for Christmas. The first time around, Mason said he wanted a guitar -- so, we bought him a guitar. The second time, he wanted a Ripstik (I'll get to that shortly). Susan went to the store, picked up a Ripstik, and put it in the closet next to the guitar. Before long, Mason was asking for a digital camera and Heeleys (those shoes with wheels in the heels), so we farmed those requests out -- Dad bought Mason a camera, Mom bought him a pair of Heeleys.


This morning, along with a slew of other gifts, Mason got his guitar and his Ripstik. After spending a little time rocking out on the guitar, it was time to go outside and try the Ripstik. The Ripstick is a weird skateboard-like device with only two wheels, both of which not only roll, but spin as well. On top of that, the whole thing pivots in the middle. Riding the thing is almost like a puzzle; part of me wanted to try it, the other part did not want to visit the emergency room today, so I did not partake. After several attempts to ride the thing, we had to regroup in the house and pull up tutorials on eBay. Once we understood the basics, Mason was able to at least scoot down the sidewalk.


Once the excitement of Christmas morning wore off, Mason seemed sad. When I asked him what was wrong, he said, "I didn't get any Heeleys. That's all I really wanted." Now, let me paint this visual for you; he's saying this while covered in Christmas wrapping paper, surrounded by hundreds of dollars worth of toys. On top of that, in the back of my mind I know that my mom has a pair of Heeleys waiting for him over at her house. "Maybe you'll get some later today," I suggested. With that he picked up his guitar. "You working on a new song?" I asked, "Yeah. I'm writing a song about Heeleys," he said.


Oh brother.


This afternoon, we made it over to mom's, and sure enough, Mason gets his Heeleys. I remember my mom's husband Jack saying that Mason had a helmet out in the garage that Mason could use, but we waved it off. Please. I grew up not wearing a helmet for anything, ever. Mason laced up his shoes and went out on the back porch. We saw him scooting back and forth across the porch for a while and then kind of quit paying attention.


While we were chatting about something or other, Susan stood up and said, "Mason's down."


I just thought he had fallen, but when we stood up and looked out the window, Mason was out cold. Susan and my mom ran out the back door as I stood and looked out the window. They picked Mason up and although he was awake, his legs were definitely wobbly. Mason swore that he did not get knocked out but he was definitely out when we saw him. We searched his head for lumps but couldn't find one. The only pain he complained about was his elbows, so we're thinking he fell backwards on to his elbows and maybe whipped his head backwards. We watched his pupils for a while but never saw any serious changes.


The Heeleys and Ripstik have been retired for the evening. Mason spent the rest of the night playing with his guitar and his camera. Susan noticed that Mason is holding one shoulder significantly lower than the other and is complaining of a sore neck, so tomorrow will probably be his first (of many) hospital trip caused by toys with wheels.

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