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The TV show Lost and waste

Random Terrain


I hate ABC, but people have made such a big deal about Lost, that I decided to watch it on DVD by way of Netflix. I believe that I'm more than half way through the second season. Do not read further you haven't seen it yet and you want to avoid possible spoilers. And don't spoil anything for me by mentioning anything beyond the halfway point in season 2.


In one episode, they shot a large plastic container full of ranch dressing. If that was real life, that's a waste of ranch dressing and a perfectly good container that could be used to hold water or other things. In another episode, the fat guy feels bad about hoarding food and stuffing his face, so instead of giving the food away or putting it back in the storage room, he dumps it all out. More sickening waste. I can't imagine real people doing crap like that if they were trapped on an island. It's as if the writers are pampered rich boys who had nannies and never learned or understood concepts such as conservation and frugality.



Random Terrain



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