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Space War





I get the impression that Dick and Jane up there are just looking at the screen and wondering what the chunks are supposed to be.


Space War is the only game we played on the RCA Studio II that we didn't hate with rabid hatefulness.


Is it anything like what you think of when you think of "Spacewar"? No, no it isn't, because there are no dueling spaceships.


There are two games. One where you shoot a guided missile to destroy large and small UFOs and another where you fire shots that ricochet at a vertically oscillating square. For the record we DID enjoy these games for almost 5 minutes each before we'd felt like we'd seen enough of the same thing.


This was the most joy we had on the RCA Studio II. It's downhill from here. Again, let me remind you that this descent into madness is not without its interesting attempts at fun or education. Just that there's nothing slightly fulfilling about it.



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And could the games have more boring names? Vertical Intercept and Horizontal Intercept? Geez.


I found your description of the games a bit confusing, as it doesn't seem to match what I read on MobyGames. I though you were supposed to hit the vertically moving things? Why do the shots ricochet on them?

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Hmm... MobyGames might have been speaking of another game of the same name called Space War. Again, so much easier to show these games with actual video footage. Back in 2005, it just wasn't as simple to take footage and upload it as it is now. Or at least I didn't think it was...

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Yeah, it wasn't. Nowadays any video camera has USB or WiFi connection and a YouTube uploading feature.


About the game, I'm pretty sure the entry on MobyGames is about this one, as it mentions the horizontal/vertical intercept titles: http://www.mobygames...game/space-war_. I just don't get why the shots ricochet on the target you're supposed to hit. :?

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My fiancée recently found a bunch of RCA Studio II games in her family home -- no one has any idea where they came from (best guess is her late father). No console yet, but we'll look next time we visit.


That discovery led me to futz around with the Studio II in emulation, and in turn, brought me back to these entries and their hilarious takedowns of the games.


Of course I have very, very low expectations of the system, but I'm still oddly looking forward to either finding or buying a Studio II console and giving the real thing a spin. But I'm looking forward to the eventual return of Chronogamer even more... :D


BTW Space War seemed like the most playable/fun of the games I tried, though the new homebrews look promising -- there's a very decent version of Space Invaders -- and actually I kind of liked Bowling. Still, I can't imagine a stronger contender for "worst console ever", except in relative terms or if you give the Studio II a free pass for being so early.

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BEWARE!!!! OMG... NUUUUU! It's like you've dug up that native indigenous burial ground and BROUGHT THE REMAINS INTO YOUR HOME!!!! xD


Enjoy it in a sort of twisted "I'm having so much fun because this is so bad" kind of way... it's the only way to maintain your sanity.

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