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Matt Roloff and Living Your Own Life

Random Terrain


I saw that Netflix had the first season of Little People, Big World to instantly watch online, so I started watching/listening while working on my web site. In one episode, Matt Roloff, his boys, and friends took a couple of expensive Kawasaki Mule utility vehicles up a mountain.


Matt Roloff said the following:

I think a lot of people feel that when you have a disability it's all about getting through the world just as a survivor. To me, it's really about thriving, it's really about going beyond just the survive thing and I'm trying to teach Zach that. To thrive is to go do things out-of-the-ordinary, beyond, stretch yourself and I think doing things like taking him up to this mountain today, you know, was an example of that.

Since when does thriving mean you have to become a perpetual tourist? That's not thriving, that's falling for the hype in tourist brochures. It's kind of similar to believing beer commercials. Drink their beer and hot women will pop up out of nowhere and your life will be great.


Matt Roloff also said the following to his son, Zach:

A lot of people think that Little People and people on crutches can't go do things, they can't do this, can't do that. I don't think too many people have made it up here, do you?

Living your life by always trying to prove you can do what you believe others think you cannot do might help you to become successful in a worldly way, but if you're constantly worrying about what you believe other people are thinking, you're not really living your own life. You're letting the thoughts of others steer your boat and the worst part is that those thoughts are imaginary. You don't know what most people are thinking about you and there is a good chance they aren't thinking about you at all.



Random Terrain



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