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Undoing mistakes of the past



It's sometimes very costly to recover from mistakes of the past.


Back when I was trying to keep the number of consoles to a bare minimum, I bought some games for some systems that I never should have. For example, Pitfall for the Intellivision. The game was designed for and works best on the 2600. I should never have wasted the money on the Intellivision version. Same goes for Coleco brand titles for the Intellivison and other systems -- they all look and work best on the Colecovision (which I plan to buy next year). The same can be said of the M network games that are just ports of Intellivison games to the 2600.


So within the next year, I'll be cleaning up my collection by purchasing the original versions of some games like Pitfall, and getting rid of the ones I have for other systems.


One exception I'm considering is to have a copy of Donkey Kong for every system for which it was produced. The only classic (pre-16-bit) system it never appeared on was the 5200. It appeals to me to have a "Rosetta stone" game for all my systems.


Perhaps a better idea would be to choose a different title as my Rosetta stone game, though, since Coleco seems to have deliberately done a poor job on their ports to other systems.


I do already have Defender for the 2600, 5200, and 8-bit. It's also available for the Intellivision and Colecovision. But not, apparently, for the NES.


Hmm. Maybe this would be a good question to throw out to the Atari Age members: what's the best Rosetta Stone game for the classic systems?


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