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The Fantasy Game of Ill-Repute.



I keep waiting for someone brilliant to make The Mind Game, from Ender's Game. With modern technology and our ability to measure brain waves, I know the game is not far-off, if we work towards it. Would people want to play it? Would game designers want to make it? Would conspiracy theorists claim that we'd all succomb to some evil plot launched by the government, to take over our bodies? I'm not sure.All I know is that the game is amazing. The potential is incredible. And we're on the brink of being able to create it, I just know it. The question is not one of possibilities, but of probabilities. Who would have the courage to pass the Giant's drink? Would we each find something different behind the poisons?Which lovely corporate sponsor would head up the efforts of design? I think Sony or Microsoft, personally. Would you want to play a game that feels around inside your mind, and adjusts itself accordingly? Would it be cool... or scary? Or maybe a little bit of both?~Me~


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