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7800 Pac-man Construction Set - Improved UI



I wasn't quite happy with how I was handling colors in the last build using drop down menus. I also didn't like being limited to a subset of colors. I'm much happier with the color palette and being able to visually see the changes as it looks a lot closer to actual game play.


What's new

  • You can edit energy dots, dot color, and outer maze color in 7800 Pac-man!
  • I've changed the font for dots and energy dots to look more like the actual game.
  • Colors are now implemented for the inner maze, outer maze, and dots.
  • Colors combination's are now unlimited and you can select from a color palette.
  • Plus button for editing the Plus options for Pac-man Collection

This is what it looks like now.



Known problems

  • Can't change the outer color for the original 7800 Pac-man rom. I just haven't been able to find the location :(
  • Copy/Paste is flaky. For small sections it works fine, but for larger portions the last row wraps to the top? I hate these type of bugs because it takes me stepping through every line to figure out where it breaks...

Once I clear up the remaining issues, I'll start taking a look at sprite editing. I know where they are stored in the rom. I'm not sure how well I will be able to represent all the sprites though. There are good sprite hacking tools out there anyway...




Recommended Comments

Looks Great, Jeff ;)


I didn't have time to see about changing Ms. Pac-Man to allow for vertical tunnels. Trying to get all of these carts made for Jr. :ponder:


I beg to differ about the sprite hacking tools - there aren't *any* that will allow for all modes: 160x2, 160x4, 320A, and 320B. I personally use Tile Molester and hacked it a little to get it to work with 160x2 and 320A.


If you were to create functional Sprite Editor that can handle all four modes (there actually are more, but these are the most used) and put out source .byte data, I would be forever grateful. :) I've been meaning to do that for 2 years. Never could get around to it. ;)



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Looks Great, Jeff ;)


I didn't have time to see about changing Ms. Pac-Man to allow for vertical tunnels. Trying to get all of these carts made for Jr. :ponder:


I beg to differ about the sprite hacking tools - there aren't *any* that will allow for all modes: 160x2, 160x4, 320A, and 320B. I personally use Tile Molester and hacked it a little to get it to work with 160x2 and 320A.


If you were to create functional Sprite Editor that can handle all four modes (there actually are more, but these are the most used) and put out source .byte data, I would be forever grateful. :) I've been meaning to do that for 2 years. Never could get around to it. ;)



Yeah I was thinking that folks could just use Tile Molester to modify the graphics, but having used that in the past I do find it a bit cumbersome and prone to unintentional error. Since I am not as familar with the 7800 video modes if you have any background information or feel comfortable sharing sprite source with me I am pretty sure I could get something working over the course of a few weekends.


Thanks again,


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P2-P0 = palette bits from header
S7-S0 = sprite data from ROM

160A:  P2|P1|P0|S7|S6  P2|P1|P0|S5|S4  P2|P1|P0|S3|S2  P2|P1|P0|S1|S0
160B:  P2|S3|S2|S7|S6  P2|S3|S2|S7|S6
320A:  P2|P1|P0|S7|0   P2|P1|P0|S6|0   P2|P1|P0|S5|0   P2|P1|P0|S4|0   P2|P1|P0|S3|0   P2|P1|P0|S2|0   P2|P1|P0|S1|0   P2|P1|P0|S0|0
320B:  P2|0 |0 |S7|S3  P2|0 |0 |S6|S2  P2|0 |0 |S5|S1  P2|0 |0 |S4|S0
320C:  P2|S3|S2|S7|0   P2|S3|S2|S6|0   P2|S1|S0|S5|0   P2|S1|S0|S4|0
320D:  P2|0 |0 |S7|P1  P2|0 |0 |S6|P0  P2|0 |0 |S5|P1  P2|0 |0 |S4|P0  P2|0 |0 |S3|P1  P2|0 |0 |S2|P0  P2|0 |0 |S1|P1  P2|0 |0 |S0|P0

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