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Watched Slumdog Millionaire on DVD

Random Terrain


Just watched Slumdog Millionaire on DVD. Don't see why people made such a big deal about it. It's another flashback movie where you never spend enough time with the characters in any situation to give a crap about them. It hops from one thing to the next like a thin thrown rock skipping across the surface of the water.


The 'special features' on the DVD I got from Netflix were movie trailers, so that sucked.



Random Terrain



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I liked it. It was an interesting premise for a movie. I think the biggest thing I took from the movie is that I am happy to live in a country where children don't have to live like that (if it was indeed a true depiction of what might happen to orphans in India.)

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I think the biggest thing I took from the movie is that I am happy to live in a country where children don't have to live like that (if it was indeed a true depiction of what might happen to orphans in India.)

I bet there are plenty of kidnapped/runaway/homeless kids in or from the USA that have similar lives.

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I think the biggest thing I took from the movie is that I am happy to live in a country where children don't have to live like that (if it was indeed a true depiction of what might happen to orphans in India.)

I bet there are plenty of kidnapped/runaway/homeless kids in or from the USA that have similar lives.

Sure, I have heard of teens living on the street.


But, you aren't going to find many kids living in a garbage dump, and you aren't going to find homeless, orphaned kids that young, and you certainly don't see young kids panhandling on the streets.


The difference is that we have social programs that help these kids, and apparently India doesn't, or didn't, or the movie is inaccurate.

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Sure, I have heard of teens living on the street.


But, you aren't going to find many kids living in a garbage dump, and you aren't going to find homeless, orphaned kids that young, and you certainly don't see young kids panhandling on the streets.


The difference is that we have social programs that help these kids, and apparently India doesn't, or didn't, or the movie is inaccurate.

Yep, it seems that the USA doesn't have actual slums where children and adults do anything they can to survive. The USA has many places I wouldn't want to visit, but no slums yet.

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Sure, I have heard of teens living on the street.


But, you aren't going to find many kids living in a garbage dump, and you aren't going to find homeless, orphaned kids that young, and you certainly don't see young kids panhandling on the streets.


The difference is that we have social programs that help these kids, and apparently India doesn't, or didn't, or the movie is inaccurate.

Yep, it seems that the USA doesn't have actual slums where children and adults do anything they can to survive.

Yes, and among those things is getting a welfare check in the mail that is probably more than the average income in India.

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