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Speedway - Tag - RCA Studio II




Speedway: race your squares around the track. When you hit the wall or the other square you stop dead and have to slowly accelerate again. It has one good thing going for it, as far as interface design, and that is that you don't need to hold down a particular key for the square, er, car to keep moving in a particular direction. It continues to accelerate in the direction of whatever key was last pressed. This helps alleviate much of the interface discomfort that I've complained about in some of the other games.


Speedway only supports two players (no one-player variant). It's pretty frustrating to test out by one's lonesome but I was unable to induce my son to join me on this one. I said that it was a racing game and he said "Daddy, those don't look anything like cars."


He -is- right, they really don't look anything like cars. The only thing I can come up with as an excuse for why they don't look like cars is that the machine couldn't handle "turning" a car shaped object to face four different directions.


Tag: There isn't a more primitive videogame on a programmable system. Anywhere. Ever. Okay, maybe there is, I just haven't seen it yet. Now, let's move on...


Tag is two shapes -- one square and one square missing two corners -- on an otherwise blank screen. One of the squares has a dot on it, indicating that the other square needs to chase it. After 10 seconds (or after the chased square gets tagged) the other square gets the dot and that square becomes the hunted. Very unfulfilling, to say the least.


Okay, two available carts left: TV School House and Math Fun: TV Schoolhouse II. For those of you playing along at home, we are skipping over Bingo because it is soooo, gorram rare, if it had even been released in the first place. (Some think it was just a demo and never actually published).



Recommended Comments

On 9/30/2012 at 11:18 PM, Nelio said:

Love. That. Show.


One of, if not THE greatest f*ck up of television execs.

I agree! I always wanted more of it and I enjoyed the movie and then there was just no more. Sad, really, but we can move on! (No we can't, look at us still talking about games that came out over 40 years go. We're going to be sad about Firefly until we're very very old.)

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