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Tetris Plus -- "You need more practice!"



After not playing the game for... say... three to four years, I'm surprised that I don't completely suck. It's a little hard to practice the vs. mode when I don't have anyone over to play against me (although K will be coming over this weekend, so we'll see if I can hold my own against him). Still, just the music brought back tonnes of memories, and I'm actually not that bad. Maybe not that good, since K is absolutely sure that he can beat me, but we'll see. The Puzzle Mode is the best practice for the vs. mode, since they both have the same goal of getting to the bottom, where the treasure is. I know my game improved a lot after I started working my way through the Puzzle levels. Now if only my kitty, Nightshade, wouldn't sit in front of the T.V. and try to bat her paws at the falling tetris pieces. -_- It's cute, but it makes it so difficult to play.~Me~


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