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Things I have learned from RPGs



1: If it doesn't involve saving the world, there's no reason to bother with it.

2: All you really need to have a town is an inn, a pub, and a shop. Townspeople are content to wander around as homeless vagrants for the duration of their existence.

3: Those same townsfolk have all the patience in the world. If you missed what they were saying, they'll repeat it as many times as you like

4: Heroes never, ever have to go to the bathroom. It is a standard to which we should all aspire.

5: Gods can be felled. You just have to hit them really, really hard.

6: You almost never have to worry about fitting in with the locals, because pretty much everyone in the world speaks the same language. On the off-chance that they do speak a foreign language, it's probably just a simple cipher.

7: Villains are content to sit in their towers and wait for you to come kick their ass. In most cases, they might as well just be left alone; they aren't hurting anybody up there.

8: To be all you can be, you don't have to go to school, you don't have to have a job, you don't have to keep in touch with your friends and family, and you don't even have to change your underwear; one pair's just fine.

9: It is perfectly reasonable to carry an entire armory, apothecary, jeweler, grocery store, and a swiss bank in your back pocket.

10: Nobody else you ever meet is going to do jack shit for you. You have to do everything, for everyone, all by yourself. In the rare case that somebody does try to help you, they'll just fail miserably and you'll probably have to rescue them, too.


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