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Video Olympics


EDIT: I wanted to mention that I'm actually PLAYING these games, as I go, now. I play most of a week's worth of blogging in one weekend. Yesterday, my son and I actually sat down and went through this cartridge. (We liked Volleyball and Basketball the best, by the way.) This is in contrast to before, where I had played most of the games back in June and writing about them based on notes I had taken back then. END EDIT


Okay, this is PONG to the nth degree. This Atari VCS cartridge offers PONG closure like no one would ever expect. After you play the games on this cartridge you need never worry about what you might've missed in the PONG genre.


First, there's PONG. It's just like you remember, except there's also Robot PONG which is one-player. Then there's Super PONG, Soccer and Foozpong. But wait . . . there's more . . . Hockey, QuadraPONG (the Ultimate Pong), Handball, Volleyball and Basketball.(I am surprised they never went for the obvious joke variants: Hong PONG, King PONG, Son of PONG, etc . . .)


All of these games support four player variants, which is really cool if you've two paddle sets and four able-handed gamers willing to play Pong for the amount of time it takes to go through the 26 different four-player games.The manual explains some of the gameplay twists in the manual. There's Speed which allows a player to add speed to the return ball by pressing the red button as the ball makes contact with the paddle. There's Whammy™ which puts sharper angles on your ball return, just hit that button when the ball hits your paddle. CATCH™ which allows the ball to stick to the paddle while you hold in the button. This allows you to take aim with your return ball. If you don't move slowly while you have it, it will escape. And finally, Jump™, which lets you move your paddle from one position to another very quickly, usually a different level (i.e. near the top of the Volleyball net as opposed to the bottom of the net.) Each of these is pretty cool as long as you haven't played PONG in about a month and for no longer than 15 minutes.


On their own, each of these games can be fun, especially with four players -- because then, you're enjoying the other players as much as you're enjoying the game. However, there is a strict biological limit that gets reached at a certain point. You see, there's only so much PONG any human being can take. This is known as their PONG Tolerance™.


PONG Tolerance™ varies with each individual but you'll find greater PONG Tolerance in an individual that's played less videogames. My Wife™, who doesn't do videogames, has a greater tolerance for PONG than my Son™ has and certainly more than I do. I play a lot of games, so my PONG Tolerance™ is relatively low compared to most human beings. However, I'm also a bit of a Masochist™. So, because my PONG Tolerance is low, I'm more likely to push on, relishing my Discomfort™ and Boredom™.


Hmm™, I'm back to one game a day. I'll do Surround next entry.



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Hi Mezrabad


My first computer was PCjr and my first game I bought was Mine Shaft.

I can play this game for minutes.


Any Pong games and early 2600 games with 2 or 3 minutes of playing are boring for me. I can't believe some people bought those games for 2-3 minutes of playing.

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Hi Mezrabad


My first computer was PCjr and my first game I bought was Mine Shaft.

I can play this game for minutes.


Any Pong games and early 2600 games with 2 or 3 minutes of playing are boring for me. I can't believe some people bought those games for 2-3 minutes of playing.


I know! It's very surprising, isn't it? We not only bought them but we paid $20 to $40 dollars for them! In 1977 money that was a lot of money! Believe me, though, we bought them and liked them. Many of these games (Combat, Air-Sea Battle, Surround) we played everyday after school for weeks! Of course, the main word to notice in that last sentence wasn't "weeks", it was "we".


These games weren't really a blast playing as one player. What made them a blast was playing them with friends. Even Star Ship, a game I really just didn't get, was a great deal more fun when I was playing the two-player games with my son, despite each game only lasting 2 mintues and 16 seconds (or 4 minutes and 32 seconds for some variations)


I see your point, about a 2-3 minute game being boring, but look at it this way: all the games I've already talked about up to this point? That's all there was! Compare Combat with any home videogame that had come before it and it beats them all handily. Even PC games hadn't kicked in yet (The Apple II, Commodore PET and TRS-80 started in 1977, but they didn't really have what anyone would call a game library until 79-80.)


Anyway, honestly, some of these games were really fun when it was hard to compare them to anything else. Some of them still are, but only if you play with someone else.

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These games were fun at that time, just like some TV shows were and you probably wouldn't stand them today. *cough*ultraman*cough* Of course some games were more appealing than others, and better stand the test of time, but again, the same could be said for TV shows. Of course they look outdated now, but I mean, who didn't play (and enjoy) Snake on their phone a few years back? We kinda had the same evolution in the mobile platforms, with monochromatic games with bare gameplay at the very beginning. Yet they were fun and served their purpose well when released.


I always look at old games with that perspective, unless we're talking about a game that was such an important part of your youth that your brain simply cannot process its aging. It still looks marvelous to you and there's no need for abstraction. I have such passion for quite a number of games, notably from the 256 color VGA era. They are the reason why I'm into chronogaming and, let it be revealed, why I've worked in videogames all my life.

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On 8/27/2012 at 9:05 PM, Nelio said:

These games were fun at that time, just like some TV shows were and you probably wouldn't stand them today. *cough*ultraman*cough*


why I've worked in videogames all my life.

I have the full first series of Ultraman on DVD now and you're absolutely right. I barely got through the first episode before putting the DVD back in its case and there it still sits. I'm glad I had it when I had it.


And WHAT!?! you're in videogames?! Cool! I wish I'd seen this comment back when you'd posted it and maybe you'd have shared more.

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