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Allergy Attack of 2010

Random Terrain


Allergy Attack of 2010



On March 22, I was moving furniture and other items around and I started coughing from the dust, then the pollen from some evil plant outside soon started bothering me on top of that, so I coughed up green and brown stuff for over a week. I couldn't take the coughing anymore so I bought a store brand version of Sudafed the next time I had money and it cleared up my lungs and stopped most of the coughing.


I don't know if it's the medicine or if I'm just tired from all of the coughing that stopped many days ago, but I still don't feel like I have the energy to do much of anything. I just want to sleep, and when I can't sleep, I just want to stare at TV or play a video game until I get sleepy again.


When I become ruler of the world, I'm going to ban dust and pollen. :D




Random Terrain



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The problem with most anti-allergic medicine, especially histamine blockers, is that they make you even more tired.


A new tactic I've been trying lately is taking them before I go to sleep anyway, but I'm uncertain of the result as of yet :thumbsup:

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my wife will immediately vote for you .... march and april are always like hell for her ...





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I used to have problems with allergies all the time, to the extent that I'd get 1-2 sinus infections a year. I used to think drugs like Claritin didn't work, until I found out if you wait to take them when symptoms show up then it's too late. I now pop a Walitin (Walgreen's generic version) every single day and haven't had a sinus infection in years.


Also check into a the Sinus Rinse kit.

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Even when I had allergies as a kid, I have never had THAT happen. Sure, I had my eyes swollen shut, but geez. I think what helped me get over my allergies is a series of shots I had when I was like 9 or 10 or so. I have never had any allergy symptoms since. The ironic thing is that now my sister has horrible allergies, whereas she didn't before.

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