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About Project Natal: the future or a gimmick?



Just a few weeks ago Microsoft has announced they will premiere their new motion sensing technology at the upcoming E3 in June and a lot of buzz has obviously started among both developers and fan/hate boys…


Will it be the revolution in gaming it promises or will it just turn out to be another gimmick that almost no one will really care about?


IMHO, a lot will depend on how Natal is going to be brought to market: to be successful, from the first day after its release it should be an integral part of the 360 and be bundled with all new consoles. Otherwise there is the serious risk that, even if it will be able to potentially fulfill its very ambitious aims, it may still not reach a widespread market penetration and then just be perceived as another “eye-toy” sort-of add-on that can be skipped without crippling the overall/general gaming experience on the platform.


This, btw, should also be the path that Sony'd follow with its PS Move and, interestingly something that, somehow, Nintendo forgot to do with the Motion+… de facto making it an add-on that may not be fully supported by third parties in a near future. In fact, companies may prefer to move to other technologies (Move or Natal) where they would soon be able to count on an almost 100% installed base.


Many would object that the costs would be too high to make this approach feasible but considering there's always the push to bring down console manufacturing costs, it shouldn't be a big issue to bundle the new peripherals and just delay the next price cut (which some analysts already predict to happen by September this year). Besides, if console manufacturers were really hoping to make money out of hardware sales, they wouldn't sell their consoles below costs in the first place, right?


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You make a good point (about making it part of the product), but I'm trying to remember if that has been done in the past.


PS3 - started including the Dual Shock 3. Xbox 360 - wireless controller. Wii - nada.


I'm starting to see a pattern here. The Xbox changed controllers, and I think the PS1 upgraded to the Dual Analog then to Dual Shock.


But I can't recall a case where an add-on was made a part of the standard retail bundle. Yes, it's great for developers because it increases the userbase. But those add-ons typically have a very high profit margin (like the Xbox360 hard drive).


I read an article on the PS Move and it looks like it's going to be a very expensive add-on, especially if you want to play with friends.


Personally, I think that both the PS Move and Natal will be DOA for four basic reasons:

1. Cost (although people may ignore this if there's a killer must-have game, e.g. Wii Fit)

2. Accuracy - motion control just doesn't translate to accurate character motion as much as pressing a button or wiggling a joystick.

3. People don't wanna be dancing around the room. They want to relax on the couch and move as little as possible.

4. I think we've seen with the drop in GH/RB sales that people just aren't as interesting in paying $$ for games which require accessories.

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Yes, Eric, I agree with your points. Especially with point 4, which is actually what made me write the whole post: MS, SONY and NTD need to make people feel that their latest devices are an integral part of the gaming experience and not just an additional gimmick that will be used in just a few games, otherwise the risk of being soon forgotten is going to be quite high...



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