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Chasing Ghosts: Beyond the Arcade

Random Terrain


Chasing Ghosts: Beyond the Arcade was on one of the Showtime channels the other day, so I recorded it with my DVR and finally got around to watching it. Parts of it reminded me of something you'd see on Saturday Night Live. It's hard to believe that people could really say and do some of those things with a straight face.


I never heard of Twin Galaxies until I started visiting AtariAge, never knew that the top video game nerds in the country posed for a picture in Life magazine or that any of them went on the TV show That's Incredible and I was crazy about video games back in the early 1980s. I watched and read anything I could find on the subject. But I was interested in the games and who made them, not the kids who played them, so that could explain it. The people in this documentary did not exist in my world.


If you haven't seen it before, this documentary could make you feel creeped out and sad, while making you laugh at certain points. Chasing Ghosts: Beyond the Arcade magnifies the vulgarities of competition and shows what can happen if you wrap your entire self-esteem and self-worth around one thing you're good at.




Random Terrain



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was it better than king of kong? i have this in my netflix queue but haven't watched it yet.

I haven't seen all of that one yet. Only a few pieces here and there. Next time I see it on TV or free to watch online, I'll see which one is better or if they both make you cringe.

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I agree using the box pattern on Berzerk is the wussy way to play. Joel West was hilarious that he was so angry about it and called Chris Arya a "monkey".

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Do you have any "favorite" quotes from Billy Mitchell that happen to stand out in your mind? I know I do!


i have one and its more then just a favorite, its truly an inspiration. and despite his godly game play i tend to dislike him a bit (and i am not basing that on king of kong).


its a paraphrase but he is referring to playing a perfect game on pacman and he says something like 'if you miss a ghost, start over. if you miss a fruit, give up, start from the beginning. if you dont get every single ghost on a power pellet, start over'. i cant even really give much explanation, just typing it i am inspired.


and i have been on atariage for years but i was not familiar with TG until i saw this film and i have been submitting scores since (20+ WRs currently, and at least 30 scores in the pipeline awaiting verification)

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