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Hello to everyone who reads blogs on AtariAge. I have never written a blog anywhere before so please, go easy on me.



My name's Adam but my screen name is Hitachi.

I chose Hitachi because it is the brand name of the TV that my NES is currently hooked up to. It's an older TV with the built in rabbit ears, and tuning knobs for each channel button.


Anyway, I've had a lot of fun and frustration so far with my gaming experience.


The first system i played on was a Super Nintendo. I don't remember the exact game but it was probably donkey kong country. I actually remember renting games for it at the Hollywood video. Super Mario All-Stars is still my favorite game for it.


After that, my family got an N64. Yoshi's story was one of the first games i played for it. Diddy Kong Racing is a terrible game.


I got a Gameboy Color next and enjoyed it to death. Untill the gameboy advance. I played that for several years.


The next system we got was of course the Gamecube. That was really fun.


Then i got my electric blue DS. It is one of my favorite consoles.


We got a Wii next. I really enjoy the virtual console, i have been able to play some rarer games without having to shell out the rare cash for them. Especially with games like Gradius II, it makes the shop channel very appealing.

This is probably where my first actual frustration occurs. Last winter, it quit working. It wouldn't read disks and it quit working during a crazy long Need for Speed run. I was really upset about it and tried everything I could do to make it work. I finally sent it to Nintendo, and now it works again.


I still have most of these consoles. The Gameboy color and advance are the only ones i don't.


So, you know i was raised on Nintendo. My gaming 'collecting' began about a year ago around the time of my High School graduation.


I acquired a Gameboy Micro, and man do i love that thing. I know it's obsolete compared to my DS, but it's so fun to have Final Fantasy IV in my pocket. It also caused me frustration while i was playing Drill dozer. The R button quit working. Luckily i have the internet to help me. It was quickly fixed.


I have now 2 gameboy pockets, an original gameboy, and 7 game & watches( Club nintendo Ball, Octopus, Donkey Kong 3, Donkey Kong, Oil Panic, Mario's Cement Factory, and Spitball Sparky).


The original gameboy was found at a local goodwill for eight dollars. The battery compartment was corroded which is probably why it got donated, and a nice old toothbrush helped that one out. It works perfect now.



I also have a Sega Genesis model 2, a Sega Dreamcast, an Original Nintendo, and most recently a ColecoVision. The CV is the reason I joined these boards.


I got it for a really awesome price, it has the atari expansion, the driving controller, several atari joysticks, and about a hundred games, both CV and 2600. BUT! the CV games won't play...


All of the systems minus the handhelds and NES and CV are hooked up to the same TV, I used a Radioshack switchbox to allow the multiple systems. But, to enhance my gaming experience, I routed the sound out from the box to my DVD surround sound thing. And Sound into the box from the TV. DVD video goes out to the box and the box's Video goes into the TV... It took me forever to get my brain around the wiring... But when i push DVD, it plays the TV through the surround sound or the DVD when the TV is on AUX 1. Then i have a VCR hooked up to the TV's second AUX. Into the VCR, i have an RF modulator that takes one set of RCA and one Coax and turns it into one simplified Coax. This is where the Sega's play through.



Well, I hope you enjoyed reading my boring blog. It sounds really dry after reading it over...


Thanks for reading and ask me anything you want.




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