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Rant:A message to teenage girls (and "hardcore gamers")



Ok, I'd like to say something. *steps onto soapbox* You stupid Justin Bieber fans? Shut the f*ck up, he doesn't care about your crush on him, he only cares about your money, which gives him power. No money, no power. Stop buying the albums before he has a market majority! Next, stop playing your sh*tty music at 100 volume during recess. Somebody might be trying to enjoy the only freetime of the day without T-Pain cutting in. Also, Fred isn't funny at all, he's just some guy who has access to a camcorder and Windows Movie Maker's "Speed up double effect". Also, to the Lucas kid who makes this crap, everyone knows that the best Lucases are George Lucas, Lucas Barton, (I love the power glove, it's so bad!)and the kid from Mother 3. And to the 10-year-olds who keep saying Atari games are "gay". Halo is gay if that's all you play. In fact, this one kid I know said he only plays violent games, which are apparently "hardcore". I am going to stop calling actually good games hardcore, because this phrase is overused blatantly. Try Pong for once, it might blow your mind that it can be fun without violence. *steps off soapbox and walks away* Peace ;) (except to those mentioned above. :twisted: )


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