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Change your vibration, change your life (The Law of Attraction)

Random Terrain


I keep hearing how The Secret is just rehashed self-help garbage. Same old stuff that only puts money in the pockets of charlatans instead of improving your life or making you rich. Well, if you live in a country like the USA, there's a good chance that you already are rich. Watch this:





I haven't read or watched all of The Secret and it might be full of the same old stuff we've heard before, but it doesn't hurt to hear it again, especially if it didn't sink in the first 250 times. The section about the law of attraction sure is worth hearing again:





When I look back over my life, I can see how I attracted good and bad things like a magnet. It's pretty clear to me that the law of attraction really is a law. It's always working whether I like it or not, so it's about time that I stop floundering and focus on what I'd like to attract. Good things are on the way.




Random Terrain



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