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It should look easy



Well, I think I'm nearly done with the RPS label. I sent a copy off to Billy to see what he thinks of it, so hopefully I'll know soon. There are just a handful of tweaks left to do at this point.I forget who said it, but there's a saying that goes something like, "Art is never really finished. But at some point you just have to put it down and walk away."I have no idea how many hours I've put into RPS, but I'm sure it's more than any other label I've done so far. By a wide margin.The irony is - if I did the label right, then it won't look like I labored over it. It will just "work" and that will be that. If it looks like I struggled to make it, then I didn't do it right.The challenge this time out, was working in a style I'd never attempted before. In order to do it right, I couldn't just mimic the style. I had to learn it. More than that, I had to learn about it, so I could understand what was going on to make the art look the way it does. There's a reason things look the way they do, and I had to be able to draw that, not just copy it.Let me see if I can explain. If I'm looking at a drawing that a particular artist did, and just try to copy the drawing, then I'm not really drawing in that style. I'm just copying shapes without understanding what the artist was doing. But if I deconstruct how the artist drew the picture, learn the structures at work, how the shapes represent those structures, and can understand why the artist chose to use them, and can figure out how to actually execute it, then I have a chance to actually draw in that style. That is, with a lot of practice, and many, many failed attempts along the way.Even then, what I end up with is an amalgamation of styles. Mine, and the new one. I'll always draw in my own style, regardless of any other styles I'm trying to incorporate. The trick is to make the other style as authentic as possible, without my own style impinging on it too much. On the other hand, I still want it to look like something I created - not something I copied. If it looks too much like someone else did it, then what's the point of me drawing it in the first place?At this point, I think the end results are pretty successful. I've looked back at my original sketches and they were, to put it kindly, absolutely terrible. I've learned a lot, and think that I managed to accomplish what I set out to do. It's not a dead-on, perfect execution of the original style, but then I haven't spent my entire life learning it, either. If, at the end of the day, those who understand the concept like it, those who get the joke appreciate it, and I haven't completely embarrassed myself in the process, then I'll chalk this one up as a win.Oh, and hopefully it will help sell some games, too. ;)


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