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Another Bifröst update



And the final form begins to take shape.


Changes this time out:

More graphic changes.

Driving controller support has been removed. Joystick only.

Level progression has been reworked. Each level now consists of:

31 Frost Giants

Fenris Wolf

31 Fire Giants

Midgard Serpent


The Fenris Wolf & Midgard Serpent require 5 hits to destroy. Each hit knocks them backwards a bit.




To help get you in the mood:


Recommended Comments

I'd buy this. It's addictive as hell.

Many thanks. It makes all the time spent on it worthwhile to know others are enjoying it.


I'm getting close to calling it finished. Another tweak or two perhaps.


Not sure about selling it. I kind of get the feeling the time for something like this may have passed. Most of the games are skewing 16-32k these days, and there's the Harmony and whatnot. We'll see.

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