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We had a friend stay with us over the weekend. We drove up to Santa Clara to pick him up from school stopping at In n Out Burger on the way up (and the way back).


We spent most of the weekend making Jay play Assassin's Creed. The man is not a serious game player; I think it was mostly for our 18 year old friend's amusement. He kept telling Jay where to go and what to do and pissing Jay off quietly.


Eventually, as it went last time our friend was here, it was time to get even and so I made him play some retro games with me. The 5200 was hooked up, so we played some of that. But he didn't really hit his stride until playing Tapper on the 2600 emulator on the Wii.


It was a smart move on my part. Eighteen year olds seem to eat like food just grows on stuff or something, so his playing the game and doing well gave the rest of us a chance to eat some pizza before he pounced.


Still, I was a little jealous at how well he managed. "Adaptability" became the word of the weekend. Given a tiny bit of time he'd adapt-- even to the 5200's controllers.



Well, before he left, we got me playing Mirror's Edge. I don't play action games that often, particularly first person games like that, so I was very disoriented. He tried to guide me through the same way he did with Jay, but then he got a look from me that made him toss his blanket over his head. (Before I sound like a complete beast, I was laughing about it, but yes he did really throw his blanket over his head, lol.)


Before long I was doing skill rolls and barely making ledges. "See? I'm adaptable too; I'm just old and need more time."


Plus I'm sick, which I used as my excuse for pretty much everything anyway.


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I'll definitely keep working on him. But he seems to be trying to work me as well into more modern gaming, and I think he's succeeded with Mirror's Edge. That's an addictive game!

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