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Mirror's Edge finished





It's rare but it happens. Sometimes I actually complete games. This actually happens much less than it should, so the list of games completed is probably something I can list off the top of my head. (Though with my memory, maybe not.)


Granted, Mirror's Edge is a short game. Only nine chapters, so really all that's needed is some determination and intent. Plus I played on easy. So really it's not the completing of the game that's the amazing part, it's the fact that I actually played a game like this at all that is the miracle.


I hate action games and FPS. Just can't do them without getting nervous, and I don't really know why. A lot of the time I'm sure that someone is going to sneak up behind me or pop out from around the corner. Part of the reason I started playing Mirror's Edge is because it seemed like other games out now with beautiful graphics and good action, but not FPS.


But there are parts where it did become a FPS. Sure, the first time I over came my fear of the SWAT guys and took out a whole team, I was flying high that morning. "Look at me go!" I thought. But then as the levels progressed, I got over that. By the time I was on the last chapter and taking things out with the sniper rifle, I was a nervous wreck and I was done. Towards the end, I'd only play in quick bursts because I'd end up getting too nervous and need to hide under blankets. Or curse profusely. (Poor cats and their innocent ears.)


But now that I've completed the game, some part of me thinks it's ready to go back. It seems to think that shooting things was kinda fun and that with a little practice, it could get better and be more awesome.


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Another game I need to go back and finish. It's been so long I can't even remember how far I'd gotten in it. It wasn't far I don't think, I remember thinking it was a decent enough game for sure.


Have you played Portal? It's a first person shooter, but you shoot portals which you can walk through. Really cool FP puzzle game. Shouldn't make you too nervous.

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Portal has definitely been on my intended play list. Also, it shouldn't make me too nervous, but with me, you never know, lol. Still I'm flying high from this defeat, so I may give it a try next.


Also, this game is definitely worth it. It's not long, and it's pretty fun. Though it was frustrating in parts.

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Portal is great fun. It's more of a puzzle game than an FPS (although it uses a first person perspective). There are turrets which shoot at you, but the idea is to disable them by either picking them up from behind or (more usually) dropping them through a hole you create with your "gun". Trying to go toe-to-toe with them is not advised unless you like dyin'.


There's a free demo available for download on Steam which allows you to play through the first dozen or so tasks.

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