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Catwoman: First Thoughts





Catwoman is a game for the Nintendo GameCube system...it probably also came out for the PS2 and original Xbox which were the other consoles it was sharing shelves with at that time. I had some time to kill this evening so I put it in for about a half-hour and fooled around with it for a bit. One thing I found out is it's virtually impossible to get killed in this game. There was gunfire all around me and it knocked me back here and there but my character never fell down and died. Even a fall from a fair height didn't faze her...but then, that's true of regular cats, too. Camera angles can be a problem in this game but there's a control you can use to swing the camera around so it usually isn't that big of a problem.


The first part of the game isn't so tough. You are placed in the middle of a heist and you have 2 or 3 other thieves to dispose of which you can do easily. My problem came with the next segment (broken up by an origin sequence). Here you have to go from one spot outside of buildings to another and I had some trouble figuring out just where to go and how to get there. You can climb buildings and fences but sometimes you can't climb all the way up...you have to jump from one wall to another sometimes. I'm sure once I figure out where I'm supposed to go, I'll like it more.


Oh yes, if you leave the controller be and not move Catwoman for about 2 minutes, she starts this slow-motion gyrating dance with the camera getting some nice close-ups of her. Maybe this game should've been rated R? The graphics aren't the best I've seen but they're not that bad. And I won't mind returning to this game now and then.


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