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Breaking News!



Just before the holidays, I got a few minutes to post some very exciting news: my new book “The Golden Age of Video Games: the Birth of a Multi-Billion Dollar Industry” is going to be published, like my previous work “On the Way to Fun”, by AK Peters!


But that’s not all: the book will feature a foreword by Mr. Ted Dabney, who also helped me with some very valuable feedback on the early Atari days, besides an exclusive interview with Mr. Mike Kennedy of GameGavel.com about collecting classic games today!


Hopefully the “Golden Age” will be available by March… I’ll keep you posted.


In the meantime, after the success at the “Sense of Wonder Night” in Tokyo earlier this year, I also submitted my small experimental game “Orfeo” to the “Experimental Gameplay Workshop” to be held at GDC. It’d be fantastic if I’d present it also there and get feedback from the GDC crowd… well, let’s see!


Merry Christmas and best wishes for a Happy and Playful New 2011 to all!! :)


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