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My Future in the Hobby



Well folks, this blog post is a long time coming.


I'm formally announcing that I'm bowing out of the classic gaming scene.


Well, I am kind of describing what I've already done by default. Over the last few years I've become increasingly distant from the hobby. My involvement has waxed and waned. Chimera was going to be the big epic swan song and when Delicon disappeared, it was like all the air going out of the balloon. What I think is really informing me that "it's time" is the fact that Harmony has become so close to what Chimera was intended to be, which is awesome, and yet I'm so "meh" about it. I should be all excited about it! I should be playing around with it and contributing feedback to the project and all that, and I'm not. Groundbreaking stuff is going on and I'm just completely out of the loop. It's no disrespect to the work being done by everybody, it's just me.


When I agreed to make AtariVox boards, I did so more for the opportunity to really learn how to solder than anything else. And I felt it was kind of a "good deed" I could do for the hobby regardless of how much passion I personally still had for it.


What happened is I lost my job around the time I was soldering boards and fell into a depression. By the time spring rolled around I got totally engaged in my other hobby (if you want to call it that) which is edible landscaping and victory gardening. It's something about as diametrically opposed from the Atari scene as you can imagine. Over late summer and into the fall I built a Geodesic greenhouse in my backyard. I've done countless projects in and around the property with more to come when spring rolls around again.


If that weren't enough, about a year and a half ago I discovered a technology called Xtranormal. You've probably heard about it by now with the HTC vs. iPhone or "Explain the Fed" videos which have had millions of hits. Well, I was using it long before anybody had ever heard about it.


There actually is a direct connection between Xtranormal and AtariVox, since Xtranormal uses voice synthesis. Voice synthesis is something I've always been interested in, all the way back to Software Automatic Mouth on my 1200XL, and in the late 90s at a startup called IPyxidis where I created these custom Microsoft Agent characters that used the terrible SAPI4 voices. Now that stuff is really starting to come of age through machinima tools like Xtranormal, or other things I've been looking at. So it's the same thing that made me want to make the speech strings for Juno First that makes me enjoy playing around with the speech on Xtranormal.


It also represents something of a dream come true for my frustrated filmmaker ambitions. Machinima like this has the potential (despite the numerous limitations) to allow me to be a "bedroom" filmmaker in a way that would have been a fantasy when I was 13 years old running around in a Batman outfit in front of a Super-8 camera.


Xtranormal is giving me the opportunity to apply my film school background AND my technical background at once. I actually despise Xtranormal the company, and have gone on to hack and extend Xtranormal's downloadable State software. So I'm just starting to make a name for myself as an innovator in this space. I hope down the line it might lead to paying work, even.


I spent the better part of the last 15 years working in the dot com space and I'm deeply entrenched in mid-life-crisis right now. So for better or worse, I'm looking at machinima as something of a "second act" for me, an escape route out of web programming (which has grown so stale) and into something else that I have a real passion to do.


So I will make good on AtariVox+ one way or another. I'd much prefer to send the boards to AA to sell but the store is down and I have no idea where things stand there. If I have to sell them directly, I will. I may be slacking on actually offering these, but I have never screwed anybody out of their order money. When and if I take money, I will have the boards in a ready-to-ship state, period.


But I wanted to let everybody know where I stand because I've been involved in the hobby since 1994 or so and for those who have seen me as sort of a "fixture" should know why I've become so aloof.


I will still pop my head in now and then. I would like to know what happens with things like Prince of Persia and Ballblazer. I like to playtest games and give constructive criticism. But again, I have to think about visiting here and more often than not I'm too consumed with other stuff to remember to check back here.


I'll probably put some of my stuff up for sale soon. My 8-bit stuff has to go first. That includes my 1400XL prototype and my Black Box/Floppy Board gear. I don't know what the market value is for it. I just want to get it into safer hands as I've moved from apartment to apartment and this stuff has been mercilessly kicking around. I haven't fired up my A8s probably for over 15 years. There's no point in holding onto them, even though I spent countless hours enjoying them as a teen. I keep telling myself I'll do something with them and I never do. I bought a dual-pokey upgrade and never installed it. Stuff like that. It's ridiculous.


I will, however, keep my 2600 stuff for the duration. I need to get a _working_ A/V modded 2600 again to do it. I have one of Chris' boards and it's not in good condition right now. If I can get a 2600 in good working order again (which I need to do to test AtariVox+ anyway) then I'll probably continue to play it now and again. My daughter sometimes asks to play it, which is surprising considering all the other stuff she plays (like Spore or DS games).


I have asked behind the scenes for someone to step forward and finish Death Derby. If there is a loose end I'd really like to have tied up, it's that. Maybe I can twist Thomas J's arm to kick-ass on that game. But I am not going to go back to 6507 assembly again. I can't justify spending the time on it vs. other pursuits, no matter how good brain-exercise it may be. I want to do more right-brain stuff these days.


Just to give you a sampling of what I AM doing, here is one show concept I'm playing around with, which is an unofficial mod of one of Xtranormal's showpacks (Suitz). Only the female characters worked for this, so I built a whole premise behind the show around this. You can see how it's infused with Gen-X nostalgia that might be amusing to AA users:










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Be you man. As a creative being you have to do what makes those juices flow. Bottling up your passion is no good. This is something I know all about. Who knows, in a few years you may get nostalgic for it. :) :P



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. . . you have to do what makes those juices flow.

That's disgusting.




Bottling up your passion is no good. This is something I know all about.

So that explains the 'sculpture' in your back yard made of body parts from missing homeless people. Some passions are better left bottled up. :)

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"So that explains the 'sculpture' in your back yard made of body parts from missing homeless people. Some passions are better left bottled up"


Um, that's not exactly the kind of thing I was expecting to read in the comments, but ok...

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Thanks for the explanation, Glenn. I suppose I can understand your motivation, but you are sure leaving a really big gap here. I will miss you. :) (maybe you can occasionally show up here again?)


Regarding DD, I already gave you my answer in a private message. I really hope you will either be able to tie up that loose end or eventually to get over it. :P


BTW: Regarding the AtariVox, I wouldn't worry. The shop will sure reopen soon.

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Please excuse RT, and feel free to post your videos on AA often as you make em.

Admit it. You want to encourage him to post videos so he'll be obligated to watch your videos where you sing in the nude in the middle of a forest as a little person slaps you on the belly with a fish. Nobody should have to see that. Leave mos6507 alone! :)

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I'm really sorry to hear that you are leaving. I noticed that your posts on AA had dropped off significantly over the last year. I had fun working with you on Juno First, and I was hoping to see more AtariVox developments. Perhaps a break away from classic gaming will help. I know that feeling pressure to complete various projects can suck the fun out of the hobby. Just don't get rid of anything that you may regret later, particularly things that have nostalgic memories for you. All the best for the future.



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The difference between work and play is one you get paid to do and the other you do because you want to. I admit that it's been a long while since I've done any 2600 or 7800 coding. Maybe someday I'll dig out the source code to one of my projects and relearn what I've forgotten.

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I've experienced some of what you are right now. Things tend to come and go, life moves and turns, and if you are having fun, that is about as good as it gets.


My own ride this last few years has seen some serious ups and downs. Impacted me on a few levels, the primary one being "that spark" that drives me on the old and new tech projects. When it hits, I have a great time, and when it fades, it fades.


Pulled out my numbered Stella CD, grinning a little, because that's when you and I first crossed paths. Damn, that project was cool. Probably one of my favorite things from the scene. Harmony is another one that's just amazing, and my VCS currently is in the office where some 20 and 30 somethings enjoy playing on it.


Thanks. You've done some great stuff, and it was always good to read your take on things and watch your various antics in classic gaming.


I really don't think this stuff is going anywhere. When the mood strikes, it will be as fun then, if ever, as it was, or may be now for people. Constant.


Your daughter needs a Dad too. The next 10 years could be one hell of a ride. Was with mine, the youngest of whom just left the house --only to crash and burn, returning home again. There is a lot to kids above and beyond caring for them. You could be in for quite the ride. I was! No regrets either.


Consider keeping a coupla goodies for the grand kids someday. They might be interested in your antics, and at the least, some old school gaming will be a treat.


See you around the net. One never knows...

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wouldnt it be cool if he offered boards and parts as a kit. al least the boards, or maybe just a circuit diagram.

why is atari hardware non open source? If it isnt going to be made anymore... i dont know enough about this stuff to understand.

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