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An Idea for a new pacman game



I have no problem with the various pacman games (original, ms pacman, pacman jr etc), however i noticed the one failing in the game, it's too samey and linear


My idea is to tweak the original (and variations) by adding somethings and making it more challenging


I like to call the new pacman game, pacman X, pacman TNG or Anti pacman


The main difference between this pacman and the original trilogy is that not only pacman can eat the dots (pills), the ghosts can eat the pills too


Additionally, there will be several modes of difficulty, at the basic level only pacman can eat the power pills, but unlike the original trilogy where the ghosts turned edible for some seconds, in the new version the power pills can have differing affects, like level skip, invincibility (for a few seconds), ghosts become edible (like the oroginal) and no ghosts (they stay in the centre for about a minute) in the next level of difficulty the ghosts can eat the power pills to give differing affects to the game like sudden death pacman (pac looses a life), invisible ghosts (for a few seconds) , disabled pacman (pac stays still for a few seconds) and faster ghosts (for a few seconds),,,obviously the power pill effects will be random for each power pill and for each completed level (both for pacman and the ghosts) and for the highest difficulty level there are no power pills


Another twist in the pacman game would be the use of bonus items (in the original it was placed underneath the ghosts home in the later pacman games it scrolled in from the left and exited through the right) in the new pacman games bonus items will be replaced with power ups that will benefit either pacman or the ghosts (depending who reaches the power up first)


Another twist in the game would be random effects from eating certain random numbers of dots/pills in each level, in that these effects either speed up or slow down or remove pacman or a ghost (remove pacman/ghost means you/the ghost become invisible but can still be eaten) pacman or the ghosts (whoever eats that pill/dot with that side effect)


The level completes when one of two scenarios happen, pacman has eaten more dots on the level then any other ghost (individually) or if pacman has not eaten the most dots he can still complete the level after the last dot is eaten by finding the randomly placed exit within a set time (about 30 seconds) since after the last dot is eaten, if pacman hasn't eaten the last dot the normal pacman exits are closed and one exit is randomly opened, if pacman exits within the time limit the level will end and new one begins, if pacman doesn't reach the exit in time, the four ghosts will re appear one circling the exit and the other three coming after pacman moving at super spped


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