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R.I.P. Kotaku



NOW THAT KOTAKU.COM has ruined redesigned their website, I'm looking for a different video game news/reviews/opinion site. Something reasonably intelligent, platform agnostic, and comprehensive. Where do you all go for video game news?


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My thoughts exactly, Bob. WTF were they thinking, turning a fully functional blog into that mess... After vgchartz and gamerankings yet another page I'm going to abandon after a major overhaul :D


I'm also looking of a good replacement now.

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My thoughts exactly, Bob. WTF were they thinking, turning a fully functional blog into that mess... After vgchartz and gamerankings yet another page I'm going to abandon after a major overhaul :D


I'm also looking of a good replacement now.

You probably already know, but http://www.kotaku.com/classic is almost the same as the old design.


And yeah, what's up with vgchartz? That site was always slow as hell, but now it's worse, and drowning in ads. Ugh.


OTOH, metacritic.com/game's redesign seems ok.

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Yep, Kotaku, Lifehacker, io9, and Gizmodo were once fun little diversions to kill a little time. Now they are just a chore to navigate. Way to break the "back" button, guys. Also, I hate Hate HATE the fading text. It does absolutely nothing for the content or presentation. Maybe they should thrown in some pointless Flash animations to the user interface while they're at it. :D

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Boy, that new design looks like crap. But you know, Kotaku has sucked pretty hard for a long, long time. All its journalistic credibility went out the door when it abandoned real news for tabloid silliness. "Does LeVar Burton hate E3?" No, and it's not important. And it doesn't have anything to do with anything! And you need to be kicked in the ass for making a fallacious speculation on something so utterly pointless!

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You probably already know, but http://www.kotaku.com/classic is almost the same as the old design.


I saw the toggle button last night, but it has fewer entries per page than before I think. It's indeed tons better that way though :D


And yeah, what's up with vgchartz? That site was always slow as hell, but now it's worse, and drowning in ads. Ugh.


They also inserted vgchartz into some network hub and half of the features are gone if you're not a registered user (or subscriber?). From the outside you only see sales numbers of the first 10 weeks and I think you can no longer do any comparative charts. And it's really hard to find the content because everything is flashing with ads.


(Side note: Last night I couldn't hear a video on gametrailers, because an ad on their site was hijacking the soundcard... :D)


OTOH, metacritic.com/game's redesign seems ok.


I switched from gamerankings to metacritic once they blew up the old database. I had hacked my own frontend for the old one, which could retrieve cool stuff like lists of the "1000 best playstation" games or "all games from Capcom ranked by score" from the database and was really pissed when they broke everything :D

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Boy, that new design looks like crap. But you know, Kotaku has sucked pretty hard for a long, long time. All its journalistic credibility went out the door when it abandoned real news for tabloid silliness. "Does LeVar Burton hate E3?" No, and it's not important. And it doesn't have anything to do with anything! And you need to be kicked in the ass for making a fallacious speculation on something so utterly pointless!

I agree that Kotaku wasn't great, but it was the best VG news aggregator I'd found. I'd go there about once a day, scroll through the front page, open up the 5-10 stories that looked interesting in new tabs and call it good. Kept me up on the major VG stories; if I wanted more information I'd go somewhere else. But now...ugh.


And for extra lulz:


Lifehacker, along with every other Gawker property, experienced a lengthy site-outage on Monday over a misbehaving piece of JavaScript. Gawker sites were reduced to being an empty homepage layout with zero content, functionality, ads, or even legal disclaimer wording. Every visitor coming through via Google bounced right back out, because all the content was missing.
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Lifehacker, along with every other Gawker property, experienced a lengthy site-outage on Monday over a misbehaving piece of JavaScript. Gawker sites were reduced to being an empty homepage layout with zero content, functionality, ads, or even legal disclaimer wording. Every visitor coming through via Google bounced right back out, because all the content was missing.


Oh, so it was an improvement then!

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