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Yet-another Tron blog

Nathan Strum


Yes, yes... another Tron-related blog entry. :roll:


Ah... but this one is completely different!


According to Tron-Sector, the original Tron is going to be screened in a number of theaters in special midnight showings around the U.S. in the coming months.


Here's the current list:


April 22 Nuart - Los Angeles

April 30 Ken - San Diego

May 6-7 Esquire - Denver

May 13-14 Uptown - Minneapolis

May 20-21 E Street - Washington D.C.

May 27-29 Sunshine - New York

June 10-11 Inwood - Dallas

June 17-18 Egyptian - Seattle


I may just be in Seattle around that time, too. :ponder:


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An update:


According to Tron-Sector, there will be a 70MM screening in Santa Monica on March 5th at 7:30 PM at the Aero Theatre. Following the movie will be a discussion with Writer-Director Steven Lisberger, Visual Effects Supervisors Richard Taylor and Harrison Ellenshaw, Director of Photography Bruce Logan, A.S.C., VFX Computer Animator Bill Kroyer and VFX Crew Member John Scheele (and possibly actress Cindy Morgan).


If it was like the one I attended a few years ago, this would be well-worth seeing.


You can buy tickets online here.


I doubt I'll go because, well... it's in Santa Monica. Traffic down there is brutal.

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