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Death Race Arrives in time for Halloween



Originally, the Death Race machine I won on Ebay was going to arrive last week but there was some mixup and it got postponed until today. It therefore has arrived on Halloween. Perfect timing.I'll update this blog post and add some pictures later. I did discover a few issues beyond what was listed in the action. The left shifter doesn't sound like it has a microswitch behind it. The one on the right clicks so it probably works. There also seems to be a pot on the motherboard that is broken, but that looks like the only visibly damaged part. All of the components I can see are at least intact aside from the missing piece on the power supply. I have to open up the control panel and see what it looks like there.I was really worried that it wouldn't fit through my door but it worked out okay, although there wasn't a great deal of clearance. It is a deep machine, almost like owning an upright and a Warlords cocktail at the same time.


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