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A is for Atari



The serial novel started as a loophole in British tax law. Newspapers were taxed based on their size. If they were made larger and called pamphlets, the newspaper tax could be avoided. With all of this extra space, however, some filler material was needed. Someone had the idea to fill this space with a few thousand words of a continuing story. Thus the serial novel was born.Eventually, the newspaper tax was relealed, but the serial novel continued to grow until it reached its peak in popularity during the Victorian era. As regular novels became more popular, however, interest in the serial novel waned.So this blog is written in the same spirit. Every week or so, you will get an update on the various projects that capture my interest, some involving the Atari 2600, some not. Oh, and one of my projects actually is a novel...


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Hi there!


I was wondering if you were ever going to join the AA blogging club :)


Cool, he got the virus! :)


Just added this one to my favourites! :)




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