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Now With Mazes



BEEN PRETTY BUSY WITH RL over the last week, but found a few hours here and there to work out the code to generate mazes programmatically:




To my surprise, I was able to get something working that actually doesn't look too bad. The algorithm is roughly based on the so-called "sidewinder" algorithm, though with some tweaks. To geek out about this for a minute, it is a pet peeve of mine that every maze-generation algorithm i've ever seen always works on the assumption that the walls have no width, and it takes a lot of hacking and messiness to get them to work with mazes where the walls have width. But anyway, after a lot of hacking and messiness I did get it to work, and it ain't too bad. ;)


EDIT: Forgot to mention :dunce: press RESET to switch through mazes.


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Looks very good - I assume you have 8 seeds hardcoded at the moment?

How are you going to protect the home base - will this have a wall around it also?



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it is a pet peeve of mine that every maze-generation algorithm i've ever seen always works on the assumption that the walls have no width


Yep, I ran into the same issue when trying to create mazes for Skeleton. I ended up creating my own algorithm to fit my particular requirements (e.g. no open areas & wrap around).


One trick I used is to have two starting points for the "random walk" which then became the starting points for the player and the skeleton. You might want to do the same.

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Not sure about protecting the base. As the kernel is written, it isn't possible to have walls to the left/right of the base. My plan was to leave it completely open, but that might make the game too difficult.

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