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RawKee Plug-in



Well, it took almost 6 months, but my X3D exporter plug-in for Maya was finally featured on the Alias website under their customer stories section. http://www.alias.com/glb/eng/community/cus...itemId=10300004There are some minor problems with the current beta release where metadata and texture mapping are concerned, but overall its a good plugin and those problems will be fixed in the next beta release.My only problem now, is that I can't get character skinning to export correctly. It's driving me nuts. I plan on traveling out to San Fran to meet with some people who know a bit more about H-Anim than I do. Hopefully, that'll work out the kinks.My thesis is getting close to being finished. Problem is I've run out of time to finish it. I'm at my 7 year limit at the end of this december. I visited India two weeks ago for a conference on digital archaeology and ever since then I've been completely drained due to a combination of jet lag and medication that causes drowsiness.http://atl.ndsu.edu/india2005/I guess I'll have to ask for a six month extension to my masters program time limit. Someday I would like to finish and just be done with it. Maybe move on to game development somehow. That, and I'd like to finish the Atari games I began programming a couple of years ago.I recently purchased the 4 gig drive for my PSP. It works great. A bit pricy though. My wife wasn't too happy about it. However, I ripped a DVD and put it on the hard drive so my daughter could watch her favorite movie while we drove 3 hours to Thanksgiving dinner. As it has a utilitarian use, she has softened a bit on it.The PSP works great, and now that there is a real email client for it, I can at least check my email with it while on the road. Of course, it would be nice if there was an email client built into the PSP with some sort of writing device. Because webmail doesn't work so well on the small screen and forget typing any messages with the cumbersome keypad. Still I like my PSP.Anyway, that's where I stand these days.Aaron


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